In my dream I'm trying to fix my electrical system in my 99 year old house by using a Jamaican Voodoo Priestess. While she was walking about the house doing her thing my dog walked by and his skin was hanging on his bones like a blanket. Underneath the blanket I looked and sure enough, ALL BONES. He was happy and when he saw me looking under his skin he licked me, wagged his tail and walked away. I got into my truck to go to the store and every car I encountered attempted to deter me from my path. Not letting the bastards stop me, I got to the store with some stunt car driving a la "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry"... that I'm back home, my lucidity is not silent. I have a piping cup of Welsh tea which I fondly call it my "hot steaming cup of Tom Jones". *laughing* No homophobia runs through these bones! That is as long as every guy keeps their damn dirty hands off me, you damn dirty apes! *really laughing* After my moment with Tom, it's off to work. I must come up with a repetitive musical motif in A minor that will be repeated for three and a half minutes so my client can sing over it...yep....back to the salt mines...