My alarm goes off and it's set on radio and NPR. RATTLESNAKES!!!! That's the subject that is being discussed. Myths, legends and "what to do if" scenarios. When I think of rattlesnakes I think of Neutral Milk Hotel's song "The King of Carrot Flowers Part 1"...singing "When you were young you were the King of carrot flowers, and how you built a tower tumbling through the trees, in holy rattlesnakes that fell all round your feet...." I also think of all the Westerns I've watched with horses being bit by rattlesnakes and bucking off the the rider as they fall to the ground and hit their head on a rock. Talk about an over used theme! *laughing* But I suppose cliche' has it's reasons and it's power, just like ritual....completely predictable and it is in that predictability that sets the mind to relax and then wander and then race and then....RATTLESNAKE!!!
The Black Forest
Random blaghness...