Coffee, Tea, or Orange Mango Banana Vivanno with 3 scoops of Matcha? New York Times...Newspapers are dying...will I be fine with an e-book version? Are newspapers going the way of prostition? Internet porn is expanding and growing far more than old-fashioned "ladies-of-the-night" because it's cleaner and cheaper. I mean an old fashioned leather "book" or such is ALWAYS the best choice...but who buys them anymore? Roberto Bolano...he fucking rocks. I've gotta work on those Greg Friedman bass parts for the show...I don't want to suck. I need to re-listen to that instrumental song I made for Teresa Gunn yesterday...I don't want it to suck. I need to shave. The Devil was in my dreams last night...but I don't believe in the Devil. Or do I? No...I don't. Or do I? To be continued... I have five songs finished for my love song album "Paper Sun"...I need 5 more. I need to write 4 more songs for my drum machine inspired "Los Feliz" EP. Fuck...I'm getting old. My shoulder is fucking killing me...damn rotator cuff! I need to call back Jim at the Transendental Meditation Center. I want some oatmeal. I need to call my friend Fred Van Vactor...his album is finally coming out. Yay! I should Skype Steve too...the bastard. You gotta love the bastard. Wait I'm seven hours ahead of him minus 24 hours. Zorba...get off me...I'll feed you in minute! Hell...I'll feed you now...It's time to get up. What am I gonna write on my blog?
The Black Forest
Random blaghness...