I finished my experimental video spanning the entire length of my album "Smoke Through A Keyhole" a few weeks ago. I put a deadline on it, to submit it into the Telluride Film Festival. I realize this is equal like trying to roll a Yahtzee three times in a row, but being a low odds lover like I am, it sounded like a good thing to do.
Since it is submitted, I cannot release it publicly until they let me know if I will be included or not in this year's festival. Eventually, when it is released, I will also split the movie into to four parts as I do with the album. Attention span these days does not bode well for a 30 minute art piece with a thinly smoked story line.
Since I have finished, I am now turning back to music, and will begin writing my next album. I am just as in the dark as you are as what form it will take, and I look forward to what it will eventually show itself to be. Hopefully not a three-headed Chimera, but I will take that too. It is time again to begin to begin.