So....I am in the middle of filming a piece for the entire record of "Smoke Through A Keyhole". Yep, that's right. Over a 30 minute short film. I have been taking footage since November 2014, and I about 70% done...taking footage that is. I am doing this like I wrote the album. Creating pieces as they flow naturally. Each piece is its own. As the album, almost a collage, threaded by the music. When I have captured enough of the feelings/images, I will bring up the music, and let the music and image decide what will be joined together.
There will be the full length release, and it will be also divided into the four movements of the album, for help out the attention deficit folks, which even those pieces might be too long, but so it is. Art. It takes as long as it takes. Let it soak into you, or just walk on by.
When you ask? I have no idea. I hope by this Summer. Being that this is my first foray into making films, I have had a pretty big learning curve to catch up to. Also, being limited to just a single GoPro camera (On purpose), this limit makes me hard to work hard for the images, but also makes me commit to direct, concise imagery. Which in turn, forces me to be very creative in my process before and after filming the images.
I hope I will be able to offer something to move and inspire. At the very least, something very me. Every image seen through my eyes and imagination, in my world. The three months working on this has affected me greatly. I see the world with a changed eye.
Anyone who has been following my posts and photos have already been getting glimpses of my film, as I can't help myself to give out flash-forwards of things to come.