Here is the first track "So It Was Then" on Smoke Through A Keyhole, which will be released next week on October 7th!
So it was, so it was then
Come what may, I've been happy
So it was, so it was then
Time turns into space
Things of no moment
Sucking the sky
You can stop believing but it doesn't go away
The radiant ones never know what's coming
You can be here if you're gonna be there
Things of no moment
Falling away
Falling away
Falling away
Falling away
Distant fingers searching
In the black blanket of Scorpio and
Whirling 'round repleat and gushing
A flooding flash bulb sunrise
Colossal and immortal shine
Envelopes me from a single source and
Hidden in the ceaseless movement
We share our secret sleep and
Diaphanous diamond supreme beings
without morning breath and seeing
Our hands clasp tight to make a fist
Of the impermanence of meaning
The nightingale that sings in the woods
She could, she should, she takes to fly and
I am spitting a rainbow stream to the sinking sky and
Blind me in my ghostly lust of
The flickering nova lighted dust.