I've entered into a strange territory this week. I'm writing/recording (I typically write and record as I go, then learn the song when it's mixed. *laughing* ) a song that is totally not what I do. These last few weeks I've been writing and recording songs for a little funky EP "Los Feliz", based on the Los Feliz neighborhood in Los Angeles. Spending time up there visiting my friends Frank, Cindy, Annissa, Erika, and Glen I really got attached to the area. A combination of 1930's Hollywood, with restaurants that have been around since the 50's, bars from the 70's, taqueria stands, mostly L.A. hipsters, but with a real strong Latino presence.
What the hell does that sound like? Well...the first 3 songs ( "Goth Coke Dealer", "So Alive" , "Los Feliz" ) have been pretty close to it. The one I'm working on now has sounds of Ennio Morricone, disco, rap, and Latin dance music. Anyone familiar with the music I usually write, this is a stretch! But it's good to stretch! I've grown a little from this Los Feliz experiment and I like it. I only hope that during my stretching I don't pop an ear-string and hurt myself with a song that sucks! *really laughing*
(Notice I *laugh* a lot? Yea...well, if you saw my bank account you would too!)