The Black Forest

Random blaghness...

The "Thank You" Man...Whereabouts Unknown...

Nothing like a mental time warp. It's awesome! One second you're here and the next second you're... Well, this time I was warped back 15 years to an ice cream shop in La Jolla where the "Thank You" Man resided/worked. I do not actually know his name, but it doesn't matter because everyone knew him as the Thank You Man. For whatever reason, a strange new religion, mental illness, maybe he was just really friggin' weird, he would ALWAYS start every sentence with "Thank You". "Thank you, hello and how is your day today?" he would bait his question. If you thanked him back he would "thank you for thanking him"...and if you thanked him for thanking him for thanking you for thanking him, he would thank you for thanking him for thanking you for thanking him for thanking you. Needles to go further ad nauseum, you get my point. He would always have the last thank you, no matter what, as if his life would depend on it. Forget selling ice cream, who's waiting in line, no one was gonna out thank him. No one!

*sigh*  ( *sigh* is the universal sound of time travel...)

Now that I've warped back to present day...where the hell is that guy? Did someone finally just shoot him with a Glock 9 millimeter to just shut him the fuck up to stop saying thank you all time? Did he just give up, because no one trusts an overly polite man who is a dead ringer for Saddam Hussein? Or did he get on his space ship and fly back to Venus just like the guy from the Twilight Zone who had three eyes, but the third eye was hidden by his 50's white diner cap? You know the Thank You Man had the same friggin' cap! "God damn can hardly understand 'em." That's what this old La Jolla man mumbled under his breath. Well don't have a clue what was up with the Thank You Man, but after 15 years I still think of that guy. "Thank You!" Thank You Man!